Tuesday, August 13, 2013

$20-Per-Month Health Care - What a Bargain!

The Fine Five - August 13, 2013

(1) First full day back as part of the week of teacher prep before classes resume Monday. Yes, this is the start of my 12th year at Wellington High School, the start of my 15th teaching in Florida, and the start of my 19th in education as a whole. I commented early on to fellow Language Arts teacher Pat Keenan that there seemed to be a lot more new faces at the Wellington High School faculty meeting, and he agreed. Turns out there are something like 15-16 new teachers, including five alone in our department. Even our principal, Mario Crocetti, mentioned he couldn't remember a time when there were so many new hires at the start of a year.

(2) Officially got my schedule - teaching five classes this year: three English 3 American Literature, two Debate (one first-year, one honors). I haven't had two planning periods in years, so I'm looking forward to theoretically having more time to do things like grade assignments during the school day. (Then again, it;s my first time with English-specific classes in five years, so I have a suspicion I know where all that extra "assignment grading" is going to be focused ...

(3) Our annual Wellington Debate "Meet & Greet" worked out pretty well as part of the school's New Student Orientation night. I got to meet a number of incoming debaters, plus quite a few who aren't in the class yet but are seriously considering trying to switch their classes around to take the course. A large number of varsity were on hand to talk shop with the new students (and their parents) as well. We already discussed making some adjustments for the 2014 edition, though; my new classroom is considerably removed from the main courtyard area where most of the clubs and organizations set up, and traffic was inconsistent compared to prior years. We're going to have to be part of the courtyard group instead of using the opportunity to meet in, and show off, the debate room. It will make things easier. Muggier, but easier.

(4) Finally had to gas up the Toyota Prius for the first time in 2 1/2 weeks. Drove 460 miles, pumped 10.7 gallons, paid $39 total. yeah, I think I made a pretty good decision.

(5) I had a lengthy conversation with my friend Randy Docks this evening on the way home from Wellington, and one of the things we discussed was - you guessed it - money and finances. I mentioned the unholy McDonald's/Visa tag-team insult to humanity that came out last month regarding financial survival in today's troubling economic environment, and was stunned he'd never heard about it. So I promised him I would email the story when I got home ... which I did.

Under the premise that you might not have heard, either, I included one of many links to the story in the previous paragraph. basically it boils down to this: instead of simply increasing low wages in an era of record profits, McDonald’s and Visa combined forces to show how Micky D's workers can save a buck or two ... if they take a second job and don’t use heat or health insurance. Seriously; the budget applies to someone basically working two full-time jobs at normal fast-food pay (around $7.25 an hour). And to someone apparently living in Florida, since the individual doesn't pay a heating bill. (For the record, I pay around $55 a month on electricity right now.) Gas and groceries are bundled into $27 a day spending money, since they're not listed in the "expense" category. And I'm curious what someone gets for their $20-per-month health care. What a bargain! I don't think even Obamacare is that low!


DAILY CALORIE GOAL: 2,878 (1,890 + 988 earned through exercise)

Stupid News of the Day

From Eye Witness News: "Teacher may face criminal charges" - GAH! Stupid USA teacher, taking a student to get his penis pierced. I tell ya, this is totally redic ... wait, this is in Cape Town? GAH! Stupid USA teacher, now getting copycat actions in other USA (Union of South Africa)!

Weird News of the Day

From The Des Moines Register: "Homeowner reports three similar arson attempts" - Paper towels, burning bright ...

Video of the Day

I goddamn LOVE Norah Jones!

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